August 28th, 2010
Don’t start a food blog in the middle of a campaign. Apologies for the lack of new posts. I actually have a backlog built up but haven’t even had time to get the photos off the camera. (Jens finally shamed me into using a real camera for the photos instead of the Android.)
All this is to say, as soon as the campaign is over, expect more regularity in posting. Until then, it’s like a nice surprise every time there’s a new post! Right?
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August 28th, 2010
Today Jens discovered* cheese chicharron – he fried up thin slices of aged sheeps’ milk cheese (akin to parmesan, but much stronger). There was some tomatillo-shallot-corn salsa left over from another taco night. And then we found out that our Trader Joe’s cage free eggs were NOT part of the recall! So of course to celebrate we had huevos rancheros. Except as tacos.
Jens: Whew, that was not a light lunch.
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